EJGS Issue no. 3 – November 2003

Taking Sides

Whose Gadda is it anyway?

Editor’s Preface
EJGS Supplement no. 2
Eros o Logos? Il lungo sabato di Gadda
EJGS Supplement n+1
Antinomie gaddiane
EJGS Resources


Pierpaolo Antonello
«Opinò Cartesio». Monismo cognitivo e materia pensante in Gadda
Francesco Botti
Gadda e il Rinascimento
Ida De Michelis
Tendo al mio fine: un saggio tra poetica e racconto
Paola Ponticelli
Giustizia ingiusta: alcuni casi di citazioni manzoniane nel Pasticciaccio
Maria Antonietta Terzoli
L’anima si governa per alfabeti. Note su Gadda scrittore di guerra

Book news

Giuseppe Papponetti
extract from Gadda - d’Annunzio e il lavoro italiano
Paolo Zublena
extract from L’inquietante simmetria della lingua
Guido Baldi
Narratologia e critica. Teoria ed esperimenti di lettura da Manzoni a Gadda
Lucio Lugnani
Del tempo. Racconto discorso esperienza
Ezio Raimondi
Barocco moderno. Roberto Longhi e Carlo Emilio Gadda

Published by The Edinburgh Journal of Gadda Studies (EJGS)

ISSN 1476-9859
ISBN 1-904371-05-1

© 2003-2024 EJGS. Issue no. 3, EJGS 3/2003.

Artwork © 2003-2024 G. & F. Pedriali. Framed image: after a detail from Rembrandt, Philosopher in Meditation, 1632, Musée du Louvre, Paris, with photographs of Gadda and of the staircase in Melk Abbey, Austria, superimposed.

The digitisation and editing of this issue were made possible thanks to the generous financial support of the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Edinburgh.

All EJGS hyperlinks are the responsibility of the Chair of the Board of Editors.

EJGS is a member of CELJ, The Council of Editors of Learned Journals. EJGS may not be printed, forwarded, or otherwise distributed for any reasons other than personal use.

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