EJGS Issue no. 2 – November 2002

Gadda Arcimboldo

Pocketing the Difference

Lemmas and Notes on the Protean Gadda

Editor’s Preface
Weaving the Gadda Web
EJGS Supplement no. 1
A Pocket Gadda Encyclopedia
EJGS Monographs, vol. 2
Alessio Ceccherelli
Un «religioso rispetto»: Leopardi in Gadda


Giorgio Cavallini
Postilla su alcuni giudizi gaddiani
Robert S. Dombroski
Travestimenti gaddiani
Benedetta Biondi
Amleto in Gadda
Federica G. Pedriali
Il cielo scritto di Gonzalo
Emanuela Gutkowski
Un esempio di traduzione intersemiotica


Carlo Emilio Gadda
Saint Georges chez les Brocchi
translated by Marina Fratnik
Assumpta Camps
Per uno studio critico della fortuna di Gadda in Spagna

Book news

Giuseppe Bonifacino
extract from Il groviglio delle parvenze. Studio su C.E. Gadda
Raffaele Donnarumma
extract from Gadda. Romanzo e «pastiche»
Rinaldo Rinaldi
extract from L’indescrivibile arsenale
Robert S. Dombroski
Gadda e il barocco
Emanuele Narducci
La gallina Cicerone. Carlo Emilio Gadda e gli scrittori antichi

Per Robert Dombroski

Romano Luperini
Per Robert Dombroski
Franco Masciandaro
Thinking of Robert
Lino Pertile
L’ultimo lavoro di Robert. Nota e testo
Maurizio Rebaudengo
In memoria di Robert S. Dombroski
Federica G. Pedriali
Per Robert Dombroski

Published by The Edinburgh Journal of Gadda Studies (EJGS)

ISSN 1476-9859
ISBN 1-904371- 03-5

© 2002-2024 by EJGS. Issue no. 2, EJGS 2/2002.

Artwork © 2002-2024 by G. & F. Pedriali. Framed image: after Giuseppe Arcimboldo, The Librarian, c. 1566, Skoklosters, BĂ„lsta, Sweden – with photograph of Gadda superimposed.

All EJGS hyperlinks are the responsibility of the Chair of the Board of Editors.

EJGS is a member of CELJ, The Council of Editors of Learned Journals. EJGS may not be printed, forwarded, or otherwise distributed for any reasons other than personal use.

Dynamically-generated word count for this file is 226 words, the equivalent of 1 page in print.