EJGS Supplement no. 2, EJGS 3/2003

Eros o Logos?

Il lungo sabato di Gadda

Dieci articoli di divulgazione tecnico-autarchica di Carlo Emilio Gadda
con un Saggio introduttivo di Federica G. Pedriali

Published by The Edinburgh Journal of Gadda Studies (EJGS)

ISSN 1476-9859
ISBN 1-904371-10-8

© 2003-2025 EJGS Supplement no. 2 (EJGS 3/2003).

Le opere pubbliche di Milano, Piazza Montegrappa a Varese, Le risorse minerarie del territorio etiopico and L’assetto economico dell’Impero were first published in L’Ambrosiano on 25 October 1935 (p. 3); 25 October 1935 (pp. 3-4); 13 June 1936 (p. 3); 23 June 1936 (pp. 1-2). La donna si prepara ai suoi compiti coloniali, Le marine da guerra delle Nazioni belligeranti…,e le loro forze militari terrestri and La colonizzazione del latifondo siciliano first came out in Le Vie d’Italia, issues 44, no. 10 (October 1938), pp. 1248-251; 45, no. 11 (November 1939), pp. 1391-399; 45, no. 11 (November 1939), pp. 1400-408; 47, no. 3 (March 1941): 335-43. I nuovi borghi della Sicilia rurale and I Littoriali del lavoro were first published in Nuova Antologia issues 76, 413 (January-February 1941), pp. 281-86; 76, 414 (March-April 1941), pp. 389-395.

The ten articles were not included in the Garzanti edition of the Opere directed by Dante Isella and are here published for the first time as a collection.

The material was accessed at the Braidense Library and the Touring Club Italiano, Centro Documentazione, Milan. The archival research carried out on behalf of EJGS was part of a project funded by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland.

The digitisation and editing of EJGS Supplement no. 2 were made possible thanks to the generous financial support of the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Edinburgh.

artwork © 2003-2025 by G. & F. Pedriali.
framed image: detail from M. Dudovich, Fisso l’idea, Collezione Salce.

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Dynamically-generated word count for this file is 338 words, the equivalent of 1 page in print.